Absorbing aerosol layers in a changing climate: aging, lifetime and dynamics (A-LIFE)

A-LIFE is an ERC project at the University of Vienna with PI Bernadett Weinzierl.

Project start: 1 October 2015
Project end: 30 September 2022

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 640458.

A-LIFE aim

The overall aim of the A-LIFE project is to investigate the properties of absorbing aerosols (in particular mineral dust – black carbon mixtures) during their atmospheric lifetime to gather a new data set on key parameters of absorbing aerosols and their distribution throughout the tropospheric column in a unique region of interest as well as to reduce large uncertainties in estimates of radiative forcing.

A-LIFE field experiment

A major part of the project is a field campaign in Cyprus in April 2017. Aerosol data required to achieve the goals of the project will be collected during this intensive measurement campaign with highly-sophisticated in-situ and remote sensing instruments integrated on the DLR research aircraft Falcon as well as with ground-based in-situ and remote sensing instruments. The campaign design is similar to the design of the SALTRACE campaign in Barbados.

More details on the project and the field campaign are provided via the menu at the top.



Im Rahmen des ERC Talks am 13. März präsentieren 17 ERC PreisträgerInnen der Uni Wien ihre Forschungsprojekte, erzählen aus ihrem Forschungsalltag und...


The first A-LIFE workshop will take place in Vienna, 5-6 March 2018